Her she is on my chest, seconds after her first breath. Brian is cutting her cord. I have to admit, I was totally surprised that she is a girl! I am thrilled, now Tessa has a sister. Truly a gift.
Teagan as born at home, in the bath. Extremely relaxed and calm, she came, weighing 7.4 lbs and was 19.5 inches long. The labor wasn't too long and the contractions weren't really too intense until the last 2 hours. Then they hurt! Bad. But she pretty much pushed herself out into the water. It wasn't my intention or plan to have her in the water but birthing changes everything you thought was solid in this world and that which arises from it, is life.
Nursing is going well. I am sore but not too bad. And Tessa has taken quite a liking to "her" baby Teagan.
The name Teagan means "little poet" and My grandmother's name was Kay. However we changed the spelling to Cay. And Cay is a "low lying reef or island of the Bahamas" And there you have it. Teagan Cay.