In these moments I try to laugh, I think of my mother and know my mother would tell me, "Lani, you just have to laugh," but I am so bad at that, that "laughing in the moments when I don't think something is funny" so usually I pick up the girls, put them both in the car and go somewhere, anywhere, I don't know where we're headed. Some days, once we're in the car, everything changes and I feel light again, other days, I cry. But no matter how I feel, Tessa is back h there, asking me over and over, "Mama where we going?" Me, wondering to myself, "Why, why, have I become a mother?!"
I, of course, have another thought, an answer which somehow does relieve me, a voice that says, "You've been a mother your whole life, it's nothing you've become..." And with this, I remember that mothering is a life lesson, not an arbitrary choice. I remember that my work here is bigger than Tessa not taking a nap, but it's these tiny, seemingly ridiculous, frustrating, frivilous and insignificant moments which do, in fact have value and a place in the world outside of the here and now.
Teagan has been dabbling in some foods, here is after some avocado.

This photo was taken at the Treasure Cay Ferry Dock, at the beginning of our Bahama Christmas trip, there will be more Bahama photos soon.
Tessa like to have her photograph captured most mornings when Teagan wakes up.

I just love how big Tessa seems here.
Teagan in front of our tree. Her first Christmas.
This photo was taken at the Treasure Cay Ferry Dock, at the beginning of our Bahama Christmas trip, there will be more Bahama photos soon.
Tessa like to have her photograph captured most mornings when Teagan wakes up.
I just love how big Tessa seems here.
Teagan in front of our tree. Her first Christmas.