Green Turtle Cay, Bahamas was lovely. My parents gifted us the trip. Truly a gift of a lifetime. To be together, among the magic of the Bahama water, our lives during those 10 days following no hurried scheduele, simply the delight in each of us guiding the day's journey. Cooking and swimming, gathering lobsters in front our our house "Tall Pines," running the beaches or the rocky, unpaved coral roads, reading from the porch, the water shaded blue then green, then deeper blue, the moon was full, the wine was good, Tessa running out the doors onto the beach, in complete and utter contenment so full of independence and joy as she spent the time with all of us, Teagan transformed from a sitting baby to a almost crawing baby. Thank you mom and dad for such an opportunity
New Year's Day celebration in the Bahamas. A parade called Junkanoo... (more video of that to come)
Tessa with her starfish. Her phrase of the trip was "Tessa take it home?" And sadly, we had to explain that starfish must stay in their home, the ocean. She kisses it farewell.
Watching Junkanoo parade in Hope Town.
Tessa enjoyed napping on the boat.
How wonderful it was for my dad to be with the girls so much.
Brian and Alain on the boat ride home from Hope Town. They enjoyed themselves!
Me, nursing, in New Plymoth, the town area of Green Turtle Cay.
Christmas morning. Tessa in the background does "beading" a Montessori lesson she got from Nana.
Teagan's 1st Christmas.
The beach at Coco Bay, a short distance from our houses.
Teagan in the pack. My sister and the girls on the dock at Bluff House.
The first of many, many beautiful meals. Alain and Colleen (and my dad) nurtured us well.
Tessa in front of our Christmas tree. My dad, Brian and Alain traveld to the Bahamas via my dad's boat. The tree faired well in the crossing, despite the boat's engine trouble. We did notice that the tree's branches were only torn in a few places! Thanks Alain for taking care of our tree.
Teagan enjoys the ribbon as we decorate our tree
Alain dances at Nipper's!!!!!! a few vidoe