Diapers: I use a few websites and often call to place my orders bc they are so helpful.
www.nickisdiapers.com and www.maineclothdiaper.com.
and my good friend, Nadiyah who owns an organic baby store…
O Baby Organics
Nickisdiapers: free shipping on diaper covers!!!!
1. I would suggest using Chinese Prefolds from age new born though nearly walking. I used a few different sizes and they were/are great. Cheap and pretty easy to wash, dry. These require diaper cover (see next section)
Sizing for Prefolds: I would suggest getting Premie, Infant and Baby Premium as well. Premies are good for newborns of all sizes (Teagan and Tess both wore these for 2 weeks) Once they outgrow these, I use them as layering for nighttime diapers.
Snappi brand fastners are good to keep these on instead of pins. You will need probably 5-10 of these (Cheap)
2. Once they get more mobile and bigger I switched to a "one size fits all, fitted diaper." Fitted diapers require a diaper cover as well. They have an extra insert that snaps into them to provide for more absorbency which is good for night and naps.
These types of diapers come in a variety of sizes/fabrics. I chose to buy cotton ones, but many of my friends use a synthetic material diaper (pulls moisture better) but they are more money and the cotton worked fine for me. The "one size fits all" is a good option because they snap tighter or looser depending on size of baby. So once you buy these, you don't have to keep getting more and more sizes as they grow. Tessa wore these from about 11 months-current (at night and nap). They are expensive but totally worth it. The brand I chose was the cheapest I found (but again they are cotton and not hemp! Which I don't care about so they worked for me...) Again though there are many high-tech other kinds of fitted, one size just more money....
I got these from a 3rd website tinytush.com (they probably carry the covers and the snappi fastners but I found that the other websites took less time for shipping) Tinytush.com is run by 1 mom and her family so it's slower to process orders.
There are some different options as far as organic/not organic goes...you're call on that but I would suggest either the Tiny Tush Trim Organic or the Tiny Tush Trim regular.
If you wanted to opt for the more expensive, higher tech ones, I have used some Bum Genius Fitted, one Size and they are really nice. But around $17.00 per diaper compared to $12.00 with Tiny Tush cotton.
3. I also have a few All in One's though I have tried many different brands and all of them leak. But I keep a few on hand just in case I run out of covers. The all in one's are diaper and cover included. Easy but leaky (i've found)
As for How Many??? If/When you call these places, ask their opinion.
I probably have the following and did pretty good with it. I always end up getting more covers every few months as they get misplaced.
Premie Prefolds-figure 24 per baby
Infant 24 per baby or maybe 36 (you can see once babies come)
Premium 12-18 (though with these you can probably get away with less bc you will be transitioning to the fitted diapers by this time. ) Don't order these before babies come. Hold off on this size and just see how it's going.
Fitted diapers: 18-24 per baby
OVERVIEW: All cloth diapers require 3-4 washes before you can use them, so go ahead and get the prefolds before baby comes... I also got the fitted ones and liked having everything all ready (but I am neurotic like that)
I have tried soooo many kinds of covers, in all price and cuteness categories and my favorite (the cheapest and best at keeping them dry) are the Bummis Super Whisper Pant. the Pant NOT the Wrap or Cover:
Get at least 8-10 per baby, per size (this brand/type runs big so I suggest getting premie size and buy them as they grow.
More on washing ect later