I registered Tessa for school, she will begin in the fall and the application asked me, what I hoped for my child to get out of her school experience? I immediately answered that I wish for her to have fun in school, continue towards independence and lastly that she be connected to her innate joy for learning. Now, how is this related to my recent thoughts on friendship? Well, even after turning in the registration form, I am pondering what I want for her to get out of school. And I come back to friendship on a few different levels.
1. Friendship is a relationship of mutual respect, of support, esteem. I hope both my girls will find friendship of this definition in their education. A friendship with learning, an appreciation, a respect. (Is this too far out there?!!)
2. And more commonly friends. I want for them to have friends, to giggle with, to run with, to dance with, to learn with. I want them to feel safe and confident enough to share themselves with friends. For Tessa to share her humor and sensativity. For Teagan to share her kindness and unrelenting joy. For both to find themselves surrounded by friends, a few or many, who simply love them because. Just because they are who they are, however imperfect and at the same time however perfect.
Last week my friend, Maria visited for the week. We have know each other for 8 years. Our friendship blossomed in Boston as we both struggled to find meaning in our work as sales associates for a running store. Well, our job wasn't all too bad though at times we thought we might die selling running shoes but we didn't and instead we both walked away from quite full of appreceiation for one another. In those long, cold lonely winter months when few, if any runners needed new shoes, Maria and I shared the stories which make us who we are and along the way, I've come to love her just because.
Thanks Maria for your visit, for your willingness to seek out friendship and for sharing your self with first, me, then Brian, and now my Tessa and Teagan. In in doing so... you've become their friends too. Tessa keeps asking, "Where my lady friend go?