Teagan gets a million kisses a day from Tessa who is quite protective of her little sister. She is very helpful and loving. Every so often though, wanting to sit on Teagan's lap, she may sit on her head, look at me and give a little smile. Here she is watching her when I went to get the camera. Kisses.
Teagan did not like to be dressed up. Nana put this headband on her, a gift from Teagan's fairy God mother, Barbara. And Nana managed to upset her!
She smiles at her dad's voice
I was changing Teagan and Tessa always helps. She gets me the diaper and the spray and is very proud to do so.
Here, in the morning, I am in awe of my girls. I feel so lucky to have them. Later that day, though, I was completely overwhelmed. That's how is goes. Between trying to tutor and make dinner and clean up and keep Tessa stimulated and nursing nursing nursing...and feeding myself. This is hard work. Really hard. But still easier than I imagined and not as hard as being super pregnant and running after Tessa. I am happy to say, I have energy and am able to find delight in both the girls despite the overwhelming nature of our life these days.
Here are some photos of the family. Me, in my usual spots these days, nursing. Actually usually I am eating, nursing, and talking on the phone.
Lately when I see photos of myself, I think I look older. Not necessarily in a bad way, just older. I suppose that's what having children does to you. Perhaps what I notice in my face is a certainty I wasn't able to trust before children. That is true. I have even greater convictions now, and in many ways I see myself less as the daughter of my parents and more as the protector of my own children. What I think or feel, I must trust. This morning I had the girls in the big, yellow, double stroller and a van drove by with two men in it. They slowed down as they passed us and I felt for a brief moment, frightened. But instead of being frightened for myself, my fear was for my girls. "I" never entered my thoughts, just the protection of Tessa and Teagan.
Tessa is a wild wild child on her scooters and bikini tops.
Here, Tessa has collected the newspapers from the neighbors lawn and is bringing it back to our recycling bin. What I like about this photo is the urgency and assertiveness in her walk. She knows just what she is doing!
Brian, Tess, Teagan and me. We were celebrating my cousin, Christine's birthday. Below, Tess gets in on the candle action.