Tessa's had some wonderful language bursts. Here's her latest from today:
1. We were on a walk, myself, Tessa, andTeagan in the push car. Tessa handed me her apple and said, "Mama it seems like you have your hands full, let me push Teagan for you."
2. Tessa has very much been enjoying my giving her swimming lessons. She takes them very seriously. We have also been working very hard on patience. Both of us, me with her and her in all sorts of situations that arise in the life of a 2 year old. Well, today she was at the pool when I was teaching. She asked me a few times if she could have her lesson. I told her when I was all finished with the other children I would do her lesson. She accepted this and went about her playing and swimming on her own for the next 1.5 hours.
At the end of lessons, I got out of the pool and nursed Teagan. Tessa had put her bathing suit back on and was standing on the steps, "Mama I waiting so patient for you. I so patient for my turn. Now Tessa and Mama can have swimming lesson."
1. As for Teagan... oh boy... her voice is emerging. In the past few days she has been grunting (with great irritation) if I take something from her, (or Tessa does, which does believe it or not, happens!!!). And a few times when I've put her in the carseat, she has been arching her back in annoyance. Though, humorous I know these are signs of more to come but also, I feel happy to see her sparks!
2. She is standing on her own...a lot. She's even working on it in her sleep, moving and balancing pushing up to stand.