Humid and very frightening for Tess, "Boom boom, loud (as she covers her ears) Tessa sad... Tessa cry... Tessa scared... Tessa safe (as she pats her heart)."
Teagan is now almost 6 weeks old. She is smiling. Often. When she is not sleeping. She sleeps alot. She is truly a love, an absolute love. Having a second child is easier, relatively. Somewhat. In the sense that I am more confident, more secure. Today I drove to Port St. Lucie to see our midwife, Jyl and I was thinking back to the time when Tess was Teagan's age. I was nervous to drive around the corner for fear she'd cry. Teagan did cry, for hardly a minute but she did nonetheless. But this time around I know it will pass. And it did.
I wish I could say that for the things I am finding challenging as Tessa grows. This week Tessa climbed out of her crib. Our dear friend Sharon gave Tess a "big girl bed." And her little body is so little in it. Tessa, also in the last week has stopped nursing to sleep at night and at nap. This has been monumental for me, not so much for her. I know time is passing, change coming upon us. I am letting her grow, her independence is blooming. Once I told her she didn't need to nurse, explained how big she was and that she was safe to let me rock her to sleep, she seemed more confident. The next night she asked Brian to put her to sleep. proud to do so. "Mama, night night Bri's...No no night night Mama. Night Night Teagan, kisses Mama." The next morning she repeated this same story to me, smiling and standing full chested and certain.
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